Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics & Animation, will be organized around the theme ““Where Art meets Science…. Imagine the Possibilities!—
Computer Graphics 2016 is comprised of 14 tracks and 309 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Computer Graphics 2016.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Vector Graphics
- Track 1-2Advanced computer graphics
- Track 1-3Graphics architectures
- Track 1-4Media technologies for graphics
- Track 1-5Interactive Computer Graphics
- Track 1-6Mathematical Methods for Fluids, Solids and Interfaces
- Track 1-7Mathematical Methods for Computer Vision, Robotics, and Graphics
- Track 1-8Digital Photography
- Track 1-9Algorithms for Shape and Motion
- Track 1-10Computational Imaging and Display
- Track 1-11Anti-aliasing
- Track 1-12GPU design
- Track 1-132D computer graphics
- Track 1-14Sprite Graphics
- Track 1-15User studies and evaluation
- Track 1-16Social agents in computer graphics
- Track 1-17Shaders, GPGPU and parallelisation
- Track 1-18Reflectance and light source estimation
- Track 1-193D Graphics Software
- Track 1-20Ray tracing
- Track 1-21Models and generation
- Track 1-22Graphics hardware
- Track 1-233-D computer graphics
- Track 2-1Stop motion animation
- Track 2-2Film Making
- Track 2-3Animation Algorithms and Techniques
- Track 2-4A.I. based animation
- Track 2-5Special effects animation
- Track 2-6Character animation
- Track 2-7Pinscreen animation
- Track 2-8Paint-on-glass animation
- Track 2-9Hydrotechnics
- Track 2-10Animatronics
- Track 2-11Machinima
- Track 2-12Cel-shaded animation
- Track 2-133D animation
- Track 2-142D animation
- Track 2-15Motion Control
- Track 2-16Traditional animation
- Track 2-17Knowledge-based Animation
- Track 2-18Multi-Resolution and Multi-Scale Models
- Track 2-19Image-based Animation
- Track 2-20Facial Animation
- Track 2-21Deformation
- Track 2-22Artificial Life
- Track 2-23Behavioral Animation
- Track 2-24Vision-based Techniques
- Track 2-25Physics-based Animation
- Track 2-26Motion Capture and Retargeting
- Track 2-27Photo-realistic animation
- Track 2-28Path Planning
- Track 3-1Historical perspectives on individual studios, producers and directors
- Track 3-2Forecasting Animation Content Demand
- Track 3-3Managing an Animation Studio
- Track 3-4Animation Software Industry
- Track 3-5Animation pedagogy
- Track 3-6Animation and documentary
- Track 3-7Immersive, interactive, experiential animation
- Track 3-8Animation in other art forms & industries
- Track 3-9Animation beyond the frame
- Track 3-10Genre, theory and classification in relation to animation
- Track 3-11Multi-sketching
- Track 3-12Animated special effects
- Track 3-13Online animation
- Track 3-14Animation studios
- Track 3-15Animation aesthetics
- Track 3-16Animation for education
- Track 3-17Animated television series
- Track 3-18Animation Production
- Track 3-19Storytelling and Story structure
- Track 3-20Story-Boarding
- Track 4-1Deformable Models
- Track 4-2Shape modeling, synthesis, manipulation, and analysis
- Track 4-3Face and Gesture Modeling
- Track 4-4Point-based Modeling
- Track 4-5Image-based Modeling
- Track 4-6Stochastic modeling
- Track 4-7Scene modelling
- Track 4-8Fracture modeling
- Track 4-9Model-Based Recognition
- Track 4-10Shape Analysis
- Track 4-11Mesh reconstruction
- Track 4-123D model segmentation
- Track 4-13Graphics Data Structures - Implicit Functions
- Track 4-143D Meshes
- Track 4-153D Reconstruction
- Track 4-16Geometric modeling and meshing
- Track 4-173D Modeling
- Track 4-182D Modeling
- Track 4-19Modeling Transformations
- Track 4-20Procedural Modeling
- Track 4-21Metball modelling
- Track 4-22Splines: Representations of 2D and 3D Curved Surfaces
- Track 4-23Polygonal mesh modeling
- Track 4-24Polygon Mesh Data Structure for 3D Graphics
- Track 5-1Monte Carlo Simulations
- Track 5-2Advanced Applications
- Track 5-3Graphics in simulation
- Track 5-43D Simulation
- Track 5-5Simulation for Education and Training
- Track 5-6Crowd Simulation
- Track 5-7Plausible Motion Simulation
- Track 5-8Simulation of Natural Environments
- Track 5-9Real-time Visual Simulation
- Track 5-10Visual analytics
- Track 5-11Numerical simulation
- Track 5-12Simulation software
- Track 5-13Computer simulation games
- Track 5-14Web-based simulation
- Track 5-15Robot simulators
- Track 5-16Flight simulators
- Track 5-17Agent based simulation
- Track 5-18Statistical simulations
- Track 5-19Stochastic simulation
- Track 6-1Color Manipulation
- Track 6-2Applications to various fields
- Track 6-3Document and Synthetic Visual Processing
- Track 6-4Visual Quality Assessment
- Track 6-5Computational Imaging and Display
- Track 6-6Mobile imaging
- Track 6-7Biomedical imaging
- Track 6-8Interpolation and super-resolution
- Track 6-9Image/video coding and transmission
- Track 6-10Stereo Vision and Shape Acquisition Techniques
- Track 6-11Feature extraction
- Track 6-12Digital Image Processing
- Track 6-13Analog Image Processing
- Track 6-14Image Recognition
- Track 6-15Image retrieval
- Track 6-16Image sharpening and restoration
- Track 6-17Image scanning, display, and printing
- Track 6-18Image enhancement
- Track 6-19Image segmentation
- Track 6-20Pattern recognition
- Track 7-1Experiences on large-scale gaming system design and implementation
- Track 7-2Cheat detection and prevention
- Track 7-3Impact of online game growth on network infrastructure
- Track 7-4User behaviour and social network in games?
- Track 7-5Games for art/culture
- Track 7-6Games and feelings
- Track 7-7Game design and game genres
- Track 7-8Game GUI
- Track 7-9Artificial intelligence for games
- Track 7-10Location/context based games
- Track 7-11Games and social networks
- Track 7-12Operating systems solutions for games
- Track 7-13Interactivity, latency and lag compensation
- Track 7-14Security, authentication, accounting and digital rights management in games
- Track 7-15System benchmarking, performance evaluation, and provisioning
- Track 7-16User and usability studies
- Track 7-173D Real-time animation and computer graphics for video games
- Track 7-18Distributed simulation and communication in multi-player games
- Track 7-19Uses of GPU for non-graphical algorithms in games
- Track 7-20Multi-processor techniques for games
- Track 7-213D Development tools and techniques and games engines
- Track 7-22Cinematography in games
- Track 7-23Game production pipelines, Tools and Middleware
- Track 7-24Pervasive games
- Track 7-25Serious games
- Track 7-26Gamification
- Track 7-27Gesture and interaction control
- Track 7-28Digital storytelling
- Track 7-29Machinima
- Track 7-30Machine Learning for Games
- Track 7-31Emotioneering
- Track 7-32Online/Networked Games
- Track 7-33MMORPG
- Track 7-34Mobile games
- Track 7-35Massively multiplayer online games
- Track 7-36Interactive games
- Track 7-37Cloud based games
- Track 7-38P2P games
- Track 7-39Delay tolerant network games
- Track 7-40Network protocols and support for online games
- Track 7-41Online game architectures
- Track 7-42Network traffic measurement and modelling
- Track 7-43Quality of Experience
- Track 7-44Game performance
- Track 7-45Scalability for online games
- Track 7-46Consistency and fairness
- Track 8-1Computational biology
- Track 8-2Computational physics
- Track 8-3 Computer-aided design
- Track 8-4Digital art
- Track 8-5Education
- Track 8-6Graphic design
- Track 8-7Infographics
- Track 8-8Web design
- Track 8-9Entertainment
- Track 8-10Computer art
- Track 8-11User interfaces
- Track 8-12Computer Graphics for Defense
- Track 8-13Digital filmmaking
- Track 9-1Vision for Robotics
- Track 9-2Applications
- Track 9-3Video: events, activities and surveillance
- Track 9-4Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
- Track 9-5Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
- Track 9-6Physics-based vision and shape-from-X
- Track 9-7Optimization methods
- Track 9-8Real-time Tracking
- Track 9-9Vision for Web
- Track 9-10Vision for Graphics
- Track 9-11Object Recognition
- Track 9-12Computational Photography
- Track 9-13Human-Computer Interaction
- Track 9-14Action Recognition
- Track 9-15Human Motion Analysis/Capture
- Track 9-16Gesture/Hand Recognition
- Track 9-17Face Detection and Recognition
- Track 9-18Motion/Stereo Processing and Augmented Reality
- Track 9-19Scene Understanding
- Track 10-1Rendering software
- Track 10-2Audio/sound rendering
- Track 10-3Software and hardware systems for rendering
- Track 10-4Offline rendering
- Track 10-5Real-time rendering
- Track 10-6Image rendering
- Track 10-7Architectural Rendering
- Track 10-83D rendering software
- Track 10-9Visual perception
- Track 10-10Radiosity
- Track 10-11Shading
- Track 10-12Video rendering
- Track 10-13Ray tracing
- Track 10-14Ray casting
- Track 10-15Non-photorealistic rendering
- Track 10-16Photorealistic rendering
- Track 10-17Rasterization
- Track 10-18Transparency and Transparency
- Track 10-19Shadows
- Track 10-20Texture-mapping
- Track 11-1Visual Aspects of Augmented Reality Games
- Track 11-2VR systems hardware and software.
- Track 11-3Augmented reality software interfaces
- Track 11-4Interactions between Augmented Humans and Smart Cities
- Track 11-5Mixed Reality
- Track 11-6Augmented Fashion, Art and Tourism
- Track 11-7Location-based and Recognition-based Augmented Reality
- Track 11-8Visual Aspects of Augmented Reality Games
- Track 11-9Augmenting Reality Visualization for Medicine, Architecture, Design, Marketing, Advertising, Training and other areas
- Track 11-10Multi-user and Distributed VR
- Track 11-11Visual Aspects of Augmented Reality Games
- Track 11-12AR-based Navigation and Information Systems
- Track 11-13Mobile Augmented Reality
- Track 11-14Augmented Reality in Scientific Visualization
- Track 11-15Visualization Techniques for Augmented Reality
- Track 11-16Information Visualization Using Augmented Reality Technologies
- Track 11-17Applications on VR, AR or MR
- Track 11-18Human-computer Interaction (haptics, audio, and other visual and non-visual interfaces)
- Track 11-19Advanced Display Technology
- Track 11-20Virtual Reality Gear
- Track 11-21Virtual Reality and the Military
- Track 11-22Virtual Reality and Education
- Track 11-23Virtual Reality and Healthcare
- Track 11-24Semi-immersive VR
- Track 11-25CAVE VR
- Track 11-26VR Systems and Toolkits
- Track 11-27Computer Graphics Techniques for VR
- Track 11-28Virtual Reality Games & Gaming
- Track 11-29Immersive Projection Technology
- Track 11-30Performance Testing & Evaluation
- Track 11-31Avatars and Virtual Humans in VR
- Track 11-32 3D Interaction for VR
- Track 11-33Perception Study in VR Environment
- Track 11-34Haptics / Audio Interface
- Track 11-35Ergonomics
- Track 12-1Color models and imaging
- Track 12-2Visual communication
- Track 12-3Visual analytics
- Track 12-4Interface Software and Tools
- Track 12-5Scientific visualization
- Track 12-6Data visualisation
- Track 12-7Visualization and high performance computing
- Track 12-8Sonification and haptics
- Track 12-9Software design and development
- Track 12-10Human computer interface
- Track 12-11Educational visualization
- Track 12-12Guided imagery
- Track 12-13Creative Visualization
- Track 12-14Software visualization
- Track 12-15Interactive visualization
- Track 12-16Medical visualization
- Track 12-17Product visualization
- Track 12-18Knowledge visualization
- Track 12-19Collaborative and web based visualization
- Track 13-13D printing processes and materials
- Track 13-2Market insight and sector appraisal
- Track 13-33D Printing Services
- Track 13-4Patents/IP
- Track 13-5Business Models
- Track 13-6Supply Chain
- Track 13-73D Printing Software
- Track 14-1Intelligent User Interfaces
- Track 14-2Interfaces and Agents
- Track 14-3Speech Recognition
- Track 14-4Web Designing
- Track 14-5Collaborative System Design
- Track 14-6Graphical Interfaces
- Track 14-7Mobile Interfaces
- Track 14-8User Requirements
- Track 14-9e-Learning
- Track 14-10Artificial Intelligence
- Track 14-11Brain Computer Interfaces
- Track 14-12Psychological, social and cultural aspects of HCI
- Track 14-13Novel HCI theories, techniques, and methodologies
- Track 14-14Human information seeking behavior on the digital platforms
- Track 14-15Impact of interfaces on attitudes, behavior, performance, perception, learning, and productivity
- Track 14-16Cognitive neuroscience for HCI