This poster deals with the Minkowski-Lorentz space and applications in the Computer AidedrnGeometric Design. The Minkowski-Lorentz space generalises to R5 the one used in the relativityrntheory. A bilinear and its quadratic forms states the Minkowski-Lorentz space for R5. For CADrnpurposes, the working set in that space is a unit sphere denoted by λ4. The Minkowski-Lorentz space embeds R3. The spheres and planes in R3 are considered as pointsrnon λ4 in the Minkowski-Lorentz space. Moreover, some quadratic calculation in R3 become linearrnin R5. The pencils of spheres in R3 are modelled by the intersection of a plane with λ4. The result isrna unit circle given three situations. Depending on the space-like plane, light-like plane, time-likernplane, the unit intersection circle looks like an ellipse, two straight lines or a hyperbola. The termsrnlight cone, like-like, space-like, time-like vectors were found by Minkowski. The envelop of a one-parameter family of spheres in R3 defines a canal surface which is a curve onrnλ4. That makes the use of algorithms based on canal surfaces easier than in R3. The Dupin cyclidesrnare well known and particular cases of canal surfaces. On λ4, a Dupin cyclide is represented by tworncircles which look like ellipse(s) or hyperbola or by a circle, which look like an ellipse, and arnparabola isometric to a line. They provide new algorithm in CAD purposes. An example of G1rnjoined Dupin cycles is shown in a schematic seahorse.