Koichi Noguchi
Producer / VFX Supervisor, Toei Animation, Japan
Title: Present Situation of CGI Animation in the Japanese Market
Biography: Koichi Noguchi
Japanese CGI animation has only recently become popular in its domestic market. In 2014, topical movies such as “Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise” and “Stand by Me, Doraemon” were released, and TV series such as “Knights of Sidonia” and “Ronia the Robber's Daughter“ were broadcast. The second decade of the 21st century sees more CGI animation films produced and released with an increasing number of their audience than the beginning of the century. Furthermore, CGI animators have improved their skills, which has led to high-quality CGI animation, appealing to the Japanese market. I analyze the trends of CGI animation in the Japanese market, focusing on “Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise” and “Kado:The Right Answer” that were produced by Toei Animation Co., Ltd.