Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
6th International Conference and Expo on Computer Graphics & Animation, will be organized around the theme “Global innovation and research techniques in Computer Graphics, Animation, Game Design & VR ”
Computer Graphics & Animation 2019 is comprised of 17 tracks and 422 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Computer Graphics & Animation 2019.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
It’s a graphical pattern of an image or objects which created by using specific software and hardware. Computer graphics is where physical body and imagination will develop or created. Computer graphics to of physical nature, geometry, displaying image, motion, animation of and provide user design interface platform. Computer graphics used in motion picture or movies, video games, animation, advertising and graphic design. This track will provide the programming software you’ll be using, basic tools of the trade, from algorithms to color perception and texture mapping, graphics hardware, social agents in computer graphics, GPU, and other interactive computer graphics techniques.
- Track 1-1Sound Design and Music Systems
- Track 1-2Advanced computer graphics
- Track 1-3Interactive Computer Graphics
- Track 1-4Algorithms for Shape and Motion
- Track 1-5Anti-aliasing
- Track 1-6Reflectance and light source estimation
- Track 1-73D Graphics Software
- Track 1-8Ray tracing
- Track 1-9Models and generation
- Track 1-103D Geometric models
- Track 1-11Art, Design and New Media
- Track 1-12Project Funding and Financing
- Track 1-13Player Behavior and Consumer Demographics
- Track 1-14Media Theory
- Track 1-15Multichanel Audio
- Track 1-16Cinematography
- Track 1-17Stereographics in Real Time
- Track 1-18Texture and Shader Programming
- Track 1-19Design Documentation
- Track 1-20Sprite & Vector Graphics
- Track 1-21Storytelling and Narrative Landscapes
- Track 1-22Optoelectronic instrumentation, measurement and metrology
- Track 1-23Shaders, GPGPU and parallelisation
- Track 1-243D Object Extraction
- Track 1-25GPU and Graphics Systems
- Track 1-26Interactive Devices
- Track 1-27Geometric Modeling
- Track 1-28Shading and Rendering
- Track 1-292D & 3D computer graphics
Computer Animation is art or process of making movies with drawings, computer graphics or photographs of static objects, including all techniques other than the continuous filming of live-action images. It is the creation of the “illusion of movement” using a series of still images. This track covers the following subtopics: Traditional animation, Stop motion animation, Character animation, Special effects animation, Physics-based Animation and Behavioural Animation.
- Track 2-1Animation Systems
- Track 2-2Special effects animation
- Track 2-3A.I. based animation
- Track 2-4Animation Algorithms and Techniques
- Track 2-5Film Making
- Track 2-6Inverse kinematics
- Track 2-7Biomechanics models
- Track 2-8Motion capture and motion retargeting
- Track 2-9Facial and body animation
- Track 2-10Cloth and hair animation
- Track 2-11LOD and impostors
- Track 2-12Animation Languages
- Track 2-13Real-time rendering
- Track 2-14Artificial Intelligence and Animation
- Track 2-15Collision Detection
- Track 2-16Human Figure Animation
- Track 2-17Motion Capture
- Track 2-18Motion Control and Kinematics
- Track 2-19Particle Systems
- Track 2-20Plausible Motion Simulation
- Track 2-21Robotics and Animation
- Track 2-22Virtual Humans
- Track 2-23Virtual Tours
- Track 2-24Multi-Resolution and Multi-Scale Models
- Track 2-25Motion Control
- Track 2-26Path Planning
- Track 2-27Motion Capture and Retargeting
- Track 2-28Photo-realistic animation
- Track 2-29Physics-based Animation
- Track 2-30Vision-based Techniques
- Track 2-31Behavioral Animation
- Track 2-32Artificial Life
- Track 2-33Deformation
- Track 2-34Facial Animation
- Track 2-35Image-based Animation
- Track 2-362D & 3D animation
- Track 2-37Knowledge-based Animation
- Track 2-38Traditional animation
- Track 2-39Stop Motion Animation
- Track 2-40Cel-shaded animation
- Track 2-41Machinima
- Track 2-42Animatronics
- Track 2-43Hydrotechnics
- Track 2-44Paint-on-glass animation
- Track 2-45Pinscreen animation
- Track 2-46Character animation
The animation industry is though most people think of animation as being used primarily for entertainment in movies, TV shows, and video games, it has many other uses. It's commonly used in educational videos and advertisements both on TV and on the Internet, and it can also be used in the process of research and development to create simulations of how a machine or process would work. Scientists use digital animation as well to create visualizations of abstract concepts or objects that are too small or large to be seen easily, which is helpful both for research and for analysis.
- Track 3-1Historical perspectives on individual studios, producers and directors
- Track 3-2Forecasting Animation Content Demand
- Track 3-3Managing an Animation Studio
- Track 3-4Animation Software Industry
- Track 3-5Animation Pedagogy
- Track 3-6Animation and documentary
- Track 3-7Immersive, interactive, experiential animation
- Track 3-8Animation in other art forms & industries
- Track 3-9Animation beyond the frame
- Track 3-10Genre, theory and classification in relation to animation
- Track 3-11Historical perspectives on individual studios, producers and directors
- Track 3-12Multi-sketching
- Track 3-13Animated Special Effects
- Track 3-14Online Animation Appliations
- Track 3-15Online Animation Appliations
- Track 3-16Animation aesthetics
- Track 3-17Animation Studios
- Track 3-18Animation for education
- Track 3-19Animated television series
- Track 3-20Animation Production
- Track 3-21Storytelling and Story structure
- Track 3-22Story-Boarding
Modeling is the representation of an object or phenomena, which is used by simulation. Models may be mathematical, physical, or logical representations of a system, entity, phenomenon, or process. Models are, in turn, used by simulation to predict a future state. It is a discipline for developing a level of understanding of the interaction of the parts of a system, and of the system as a whole.
- Track 4-1Geometric modeling and meshing
- Track 4-2Shape modeling, synthesis, manipulation, and analysis
- Track 4-3Stochastic Modeling
- Track 4-4Scene Modeling
- Track 4-5Fracture modeling
- Track 4-6Model-Based Recognition
- Track 4-7Shape Analysis
- Track 4-8Mesh Reconstruction
- Track 4-93D Model Segmentation
- Track 4-10Deformable Models
- Track 4-113D Meshes
- Track 4-123D Reconstruction
- Track 4-132D & 3D Modeling
- Track 4-14Geometric modeling and meshing
- Track 4-15Modeling Transformations
- Track 4-16Procedural Modeling
- Track 4-17Metball Modelling
- Track 4-18Splines: Representations of 2D and 3D Curved Surfaces
- Track 4-19Polygonal mesh modeling
- Track 4-20Polygon Mesh Data Structure for 3D Graphics
- Track 4-21Graphics Data Structures - Implicit Functions
- Track 4-22Point-based Modeling
- Track 4-23Face and Gesture Modeling
- Track 4-24Image-based Modeling
Simulations are abstractions of reality. It is defined as the process of creating a model of an existing or proposed system (e.g., a project, a business, a mine, a watershed, a forest, the organs in your body) in order to identify and understand those factors which control the system to predict the future behavior of the system. Simulation is a powerful and important tool because it provides a way in which alternative designs, plans, and policies can be evaluated without having to experiment on a real system, which may be prohibitively costly, time-consuming, or simply impractical to do.
- Track 5-1Simulation for Education and Training
- Track 5-2Graphics and AI
- Track 5-3Numerical simulation
- Track 5-4Delta 3D and other Open Source Games Software
- Track 5-5Delta 3D and other Open Source Games Software
- Track 5-63D Studio Max
- Track 5-73D Programming for Rage Programmable Shaders
- Track 5-8Rigid body dynamics
- Track 5-9Rigid body physical animation
- Track 5-10Simulation performance
- Track 5-11Advanced Applications
- Track 5-12Graphics in simulation
- Track 5-133D Simulation
- Track 5-14Stochastic simulation
- Track 5-15Crowd Simulation
- Track 5-16Plausible Motion Simulation
- Track 5-17Simulation of Natural Environments
- Track 5-18Real-time Visual Simulation
- Track 5-19Visual analytics
- Track 5-20Monte Carlo Simulations
- Track 5-21Simulation software
- Track 5-22Computer simulation games
- Track 5-23Robot simulators
- Track 5-24Flight simulators
- Track 5-25Agent based simulation
- Track 5-26Statistical simulations
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a particular electronic circuit outlined and create to increase the effectively & effective production of images in a frame by frame intended for better output to a display device. GPUs are used in mobile phones, embedded systems, workstations, personal computers and game consoles or platforms. GPU technology accelerates the computing and is the usage of a GPU together with a Control Processing Unit (CPU) to quicken profound investigation, learning, and building applications. GPU Technology accelerators now power energy-efficient & effective data centers in universities, government labs, industries, and small-and-medium businesses across the globe. They play an eminent role in accelerating applications in platforms ranging from artificial intelligence to cars, drones, robots and its applications.
- Track 6-1Consumer Engagement and Personalization
- Track 6-2Hybrid Graphics Processing
- Track 6-3Integrated Graphics
- Track 6-4AI Application Deployment / Inference
- Track 6-5Computer Aided Engineering
- Track 6-6Deep Learning and AI Frameworks
- Track 6-7Real-Time Graphics
- Track 6-8Gaming Applications
- Track 6-9Animation and VFX
- Track 6-10GPU Computing Technologies
- Track 6-11Graphics Virtualization
- Track 6-12Product and Building Design
- Track 6-13HPC and Supercomputing
- Track 6-14Computer and Machine Vision
- Track 6-15Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Track 6-16Hardware Architectures
- Track 6-17Advantages of GPU technology
- Track 6-18GPU Computing and Applications
Gaming is evolving from the traditional in-home console-based platforms to digital titles being played on mobile devices and connected consoles. Mobile gaming in its various flavors is the fastest growing segment of digital gaming Game design is the art of applying design and aesthetics to create a game to facilitate interaction between players for playful, healthful, educational, or simulation purposes.
Game development is the software development process by which a video game is produced. The game industry requires innovations, as publishers cannot profit from the constant release of repetitive sequels and imitations.
- Track 7-1Mobile and Multiuser Games
- Track 7-23D Engine optimization
- Track 7-3Uses of GPU for non-graphical algorithms in games
- Track 7-43D Development tools and techniques and games engines
- Track 7-5Online game architectures
- Track 7-6Intelligent Agents and Gamebots
- Track 7-7Tools and Systems for Games and Virtual Reality
- Track 7-8Game GUI and GPU design
- Track 7-9Human Factors of Games
- Track 7-10Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Gaming
- Track 7-11Censorship of Video Games Content
- Track 7-12Laws, Regulations, Certifications and Policies for Gaming
- Track 7-13Games and Intellectual Property Rights
- Track 7-14Game Security
- Track 7-15AAA Game Development and Applications
- Track 7-16Audio Techniques for Racing Games
- Track 7-17Social/Humanities Aspects of Games
- Track 7-18Experiential Spatiality in Games
- Track 7-19Cultural and Media Studies on Computer Games
- Track 7-20Mapping the Mental Space of Game Genres
- Track 7-21Interactive Dynamic Response for Games
- Track 7-22Game Development Contract Outsourcing
- Track 7-23Graphics & Visualisation
- Track 7-24Aesthetic Approaches to Game Design & Development
- Track 7-25Gaming - Mobile, PC, Online, Console
- Track 7-26Games Simulations and Dynamic Models
- Track 7-27Gaming Hardware and Accessories
Gamification: The utilization of diversion mechanics and prizes to energize conduct change in a non-amusement setting. While this definition gives a satisfactory review of gamification, it doesn't give much understanding into how it truly functions.
Social Game Mechanics are a notoriety enhancer. In isolation, notoriety is just a curiosity; you feel great when the framework names you as a shrewd individual yet you're most likely not going to care all that profoundly. When the framework recognizes the user as a brilliant individual and shares their data with a thousand other individuals, all of a sudden the notoriety is a great deal more noteworthy.
- Track 8-1Games Console Design
- Track 8-2Cheat Codes -To Cheat or Not to Cheat
- Track 8-3Game research
- Track 8-4Game case studies
- Track 8-5Games for art/culture
- Track 8-6Interactivity, latency and lag compensation
- Track 8-73D Real-time animation and computer graphics for video games
- Track 8-8Cinematography in games
- Track 8-9User behaviour and social network in games?
- Track 8-10Methods to improve emotional gameplay
- Track 8-11Perceptual User Interfaces for Games
- Track 8-12Mobile Gaming and VR Gaming
- Track 8-13Gaming with Robots
- Track 8-14Game Design and Research Methods
- Track 8-15Game Analysis
- Track 8-16Affective audio in games
- Track 8-17Music in games
- Track 8-18Persuasive games
- Track 8-19Games for well-being
- Track 8-20Affective user modeling
- Track 8-21Affective Gaming
- Track 8-22Particle systems for generating smoke and fire
- Track 8-23Scaling of special effects and texture tricks
- Track 8-243D in Game Animation
- Track 8-25Point scoring game
- Track 8-26Game Design elements and techniques to non-game contexts
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning and their application for automatic solving of problems in computer vision and computer graphics. Artificial intelligence techniques in 3D scene modeling and rendering. Present research work of the Intelligent Computer Graphics community, a community evolving towards future. If at the beginning of Computer Graphics the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques and research which quite unknown, more and more researchers across the globe are nowadays interested in intelligent techniques allowing substantial improvements of traditional Computer Graphics methods, research, and technology. Its alternative main contribution of intelligent techniques in Computer Graphics is to allow invention of completely new methods.
- Track 9-1Artificial intelligence techniques in Scene Modeling
- Track 9-2Declarative techniques in Scene Modeling
- Track 9-3Artificial intelligence techniques in Rendering
- Track 9-4Behavioural Animation
- Track 9-5Intelligent Visualisation
- Track 9-6Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures
- Track 9-7Animation and Artificial Intelligence
- Track 9-8Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS
- Track 9-9Intelligent Computational Aesthetics
- Track 9-10Semantics-based approaches in design
Computer graphics applications may be used in the following areas:
Computer Aided Designing is mainly used for detailed engineering of 3D models and/or 2D drawings of physical components.
Education and Training: Computer-generated models of physical, financial, and economic systems are often used as educational aids.
Entertainment: Motion pictures, music videos, and television shows.
Computer Graphics in Medicine: In medical research, treatments and other experiments.
- Track 10-1Graphical Modelling
- Track 10-2Applications of Machine Learning in Computer Graphics and Animation
- Track 10-3Computational Imaging and Display
- Track 10-4VFX and Application
- Track 10-5Social Agents in Computer Graphics
- Track 10-6User studies and Evaluation
- Track 10-7Education, Training, and Edutainment Technologies
- Track 10-8Learning to Play or Learning through Play
- Track 10-9Pay-As-You-Play and IPTV
- Track 10-10IPTV and Service Convergence
- Track 10-11Multiuser Virtual Environments (Muves) in Education
- Track 10-12Computational Physics
- Track 10-13Computational Biology
- Track 10-14Computer Aided Design
- Track 10-15Computational Geometry
- Track 10-16Artificial Intelligence Techniques
- Track 10-17Computer Graphics in Medicine
- Track 10-18Geometric Algorithms
- Track 10-19Media technologies for Graphics
- Track 10-20Graphics Architectures
- Track 10-21Digital Photography
- Track 10-22Mathematical Methods for Fluids, Solids and Interfaces
- Track 10-23Mathematical Methods for Computer Vision, Robotics, and Graphics
- Track 10-24Digital Filmmaking
- Track 10-25Computer Graphics for Defense
- Track 10-26User Interfaces
- Track 10-27Computer Art
- Track 10-28Entertainment
- Track 10-29Infographics
- Track 10-30Graphic design
- Track 10-31Education
- Track 10-32Digital art
Computer Vision (image understanding) is a discipline that studies how to reconstruct, interpret and understand a 3D scene from its 2D images in terms of the properties of the structures present in the scene. The ultimate goal of computer vision is to model, replicate, and more importantly exceed human vision using computer software and hardware at different levels.
Pattern Recognition techniques related to real-world problems, interdisciplinary research, experimental and/or theoretical studies yielding new insights that advance Pattern Recognition methods are especially encouraged.
- Track 11-1Vision for Graphics
- Track 11-2Pattern recognition
- Track 11-3Applications and research
- Track 11-4Video: events, activities and surveillance
- Track 11-5Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
- Track 11-6Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
- Track 11-7Physics-based vision and shape-from-X
- Track 11-8Optimization methods
- Track 11-9Real-time Tracking
- Track 11-10Vision for Web
- Track 11-11Object Recognition
- Track 11-12Vision for Robotics
- Track 11-13Computational Photography
- Track 11-14Human-Computer Interaction
- Track 11-15Action Recognition
- Track 11-16Human Motion Analysis/Capture
- Track 11-17Gesture/Hand Recognition
- Track 11-18Face Detection and Recognition
- Track 11-19Motion/Stereo Processing and Augmented Reality
Virtual reality is a form of technology which creates computer-generated worlds or immersive environments which people can explore and in many cases, interact with. It refers to a high-end user interface that involves real-time simulation and interactions through multiple sensorial channels.
Augmented reality is a similar form of technology in which the lines are blurred between the real world and computer-generated imagery, e.g. video. Sound, video or images are overlaid onto a real-world environment in order to enhance the user experience.
- Track 12-1VR in medical applications
- Track 12-2Information Visualization Using Augmented Reality Technologies
- Track 12-3Applications on VR, AR or MR
- Track 12-4Human-computer Interaction (haptics, audio, and other visual and non-visual interfaces)
- Track 12-5Virtual Reality Games & Gaming
- Track 12-6Virtual Reality Gear
- Track 12-7Virtual Reality and Education
- Track 12-8Virtual Reality and Healthcare
- Track 12-9Semi-immersive VR
- Track 12-10Visualization Techniques for Augmented Reality
- Track 12-11CAVE VR
- Track 12-12VR Systems and Toolkits
- Track 12-13Computer Graphics Techniques for VR
- Track 12-14Advanced Display Technology
- Track 12-15Immersive Projection Technology
- Track 12-16Performance Testing & Evaluation
- Track 12-17Avatars and Virtual Humans in VR
- Track 12-183D Interaction for VR
- Track 12-19Augmented Reality in Scientific Visualization
- Track 12-20Mobile Augmented Reality
- Track 12-21AR-based Navigation and Information Systems
- Track 12-22Augmenting Reality Visualization for Medicine, Architecture, Design, Marketing, Advertising, Training and other areas
- Track 12-23Visual Aspects of Augmented Reality Games
- Track 12-24Location-based and Recognition-based Augmented Reality
- Track 12-25Augmented Fashion, Art and Tourism
- Track 12-26Mixed Reality
- Track 12-27Interactions between Augmented Humans and Smart Cities
- Track 12-28Augmented reality software interfaces
- Track 12-29VR systems hardware and software
- Track 12-30Multi-user and Distributed VR
- Track 12-31Ergonomics
- Track 12-32Haptics / Audio Interface
- Track 12-33Perception Study in VR Environment
Image processing is a method to convert an image into digital form and perform some operations on it, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal dispensation in which input is an image, like video frame or photograph and output, may be image or characteristics associated with that image.
- Track 13-1Stereo Vision and Shape Acquisition Techniques
- Track 13-2Virtual Reality and the Military
- Track 13-3Medical Image Processing
- Track 13-4Applications to various fields
- Track 13-5Document and Synthetic Visual Processing
- Track 13-6Visual Quality Assessment
- Track 13-7Computational Imaging and Display
- Track 13-8Mobile Image Processing
- Track 13-9Biomedical Image Processing
- Track 13-10Interpolation and super-resolution
- Track 13-11Image/video coding and transmission
- Track 13-12Feature extraction
- Track 13-13Color Manipulation
- Track 13-14Digital Image Processing
- Track 13-15Analog Image Processing
- Track 13-16Image Recognition
- Track 13-17Image retrieval
- Track 13-18Image sharpening and restoration
- Track 13-19Image scanning, display, and printing
- Track 13-20Image enhancement
- Track 13-21Image segmentation
Rendering refers to the process of building output files from computer animations. When an animation renders, the animation program takes the various components, variables, and actions in an animated scene and builds the final viewable result. A render can be an individual image or a series of images saved individually or sequenced into video format.
- Track 14-1Equation on a per pixel basis
- Track 14-2Software and hardware systems for rendering
- Track 14-3Ray casting and tracing
- Track 14-4Photorealistic & Non-photorealistic rendering
- Track 14-53D rendering software
- Track 14-6Progressive meshes and subdivision surfaces
- Track 14-7Matrix Manipulations
- Track 14-8Curved surfaces and tri-linear flip-flopping
- Track 14-9Parametric surfaces for representing 3D Geometry
- Track 14-10Pixel path and Voxel Animation
- Track 14-11Rendering Equations and architectures
- Track 14-12Light maps and changing texture coordinates
- Track 14-13Methods for scaling lighting and shadows
- Track 14-14Creating Reflections and shadows with stencil buffers and Z-Buffers
- Track 14-15Setup, Rendering and Transforms
- Track 14-16Full floating point setup
- Track 14-17Dynamic environment mapping
- Track 14-18Multi texture tricks
- Track 14-19Photorealistic rendering using Open GL and Direct 3D
- Track 14-20Image Based Rendering and overdraw
Visualization is a related subcategory of visualization dealing with statistical graphics and geographic or spatial data (as in thematic cartography) that is abstracted in schematic form. Educational visualization is using a simulation not usually normally created on a computer to create an image of something so it can be taught about. Information visualization concentrates on the use of computer-supported tools to explore a large amount of abstract data.
- Track 15-1Color models and imaging
- Track 15-23D Printing Software
- Track 15-3Supply Chain in 3D Printing
- Track 15-4Patents/IP in 3D Printing
- Track 15-53D Printing Services
- Track 15-63D printing processes and materials
- Track 15-73D scanning
- Track 15-8Additive Manufacturing Technology
- Track 15-9Interface Software and Tools
- Track 15-10Scientific visualization
- Track 15-11Data visualisation
- Track 15-12Visualization and high performance computing
- Track 15-13Sonification and Haptics
- Track 15-14Software design and development
- Track 15-15Visual analytics
- Track 15-16Business Models
- Track 15-17Market insight and sector appraisal
- Track 15-18Information Visualization
- Track 15-19Graphic Visualization
- Track 15-20Guided imagery in Visualization
- Track 15-21Creative Visualization
- Track 15-22Software visualization
- Track 15-23Interactive visualization
- Track 15-24Medical visualization
- Track 15-25Product visualization and Product Rendering
- Track 15-26Educational and Knowledge visualization
- Track 15-27Visual communication
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. HCI has expanded rapidly and steadily for three decades, attracting professionals from many other disciplines and incorporating diverse concepts and approaches. To a considerable extent, HCI now aggregates a collection of semi-autonomous fields of research and practice in human-centered informatics.
- Track 16-1Artificial Intelligence
- Track 16-2Web Designing
- Track 16-3Gesture-based Interaction
- Track 16-4HCI in Medical applications
- Track 16-5Impact of interfaces on attitudes, behavior, performance, perception, learning and productivity
- Track 16-6Cognitive neuroscience for HCI
- Track 16-7Human information seeking behavior on the digital platforms
- Track 16-8Novel HCI theories, techniques, and methodologies
- Track 16-9Psychological, social and cultural aspects of HCI
- Track 16-10Brain-computer Interfaces
- Track 16-11Intelligent User Interfaces
- Track 16-12e-Learning
- Track 16-13User Requirements
- Track 16-14Mobile Interfaces
- Track 16-15Graphical Interfaces
- Track 16-16Collaborative System Design
- Track 16-17Animal-computer Interface
- Track 16-18Speech Recognition
- Track 16-19Interfaces and Agents
Web3D was at first the thought to completely show and explore Web destinations utilizing 3D. By expansion, the term now alludes to all intuitive 3D content which is inserted into pages HTML, and that we can see through a web program. Present day Web3D pages are usually controlled by WebGL.
Advances are Flash Stage3d, Unity3d and Unreal Engine and so forth. 3D illustrations on the web have made some amazing progress. There are many contending advances out there, all battling to be the lord of the 3D web. It can turn out to be exceptionally hard to pick one from the changing instruments and document designs for your venture. Despite everything, it stays to be seen which one, assuming any, get to be institutionalized.
- Track 17-1P2P Systems and Applications
- Track 17-2Script algorithms & programming for lightweight Web3D
- Track 17-3Interactive Web 3D applications
- Track 17-4Interactive Web 3D applications
- Track 17-5Web3D and associated APIs, toolkits, and frameworks.
- Track 17-63D City Models & Web3D
- Track 17-73D similarity search and matching
- Track 17-8Web-based 3D Graphics
- Track 17-9Web-based User Interaction
- Track 17-10Professional graphics tools
- Track 17-11Web-based simulation
- Track 17-12Collaborative and web based visualization
- Track 17-13Data analysis & intelligent algorithms for big Web3D data
- Track 17-14Web Technologies and Applications
- Track 17-15Web Services based Systems and Applications
- Track 17-16Virtual Environments and Web Applications for eLearning
- Track 17-17Web Graphic Design in digital layout
- Track 17-18Web Graphic Design in digital layout
- Track 17-193D Web Gaming
- Track 17-20Creativity and Digital Art
- Track 17-21Web-wide human-computer interface and 3D User Interfaces
- Track 17-223D digitization
- Track 17-23Novel Web3D interaction paradigms for mobile/handheld applications